Circular Economy

The Circular Economy that we envision entails a revolutionary shift in the way we design and make things, where every resource that goes in can be reused in infinite cycles, just like it happens in nature.

The Circular Economy is a pivotal concept in the Cradle to Cradle Certified® framework, being regarded as much more than just a solution to the waste problems caused by linear business models, as seen in common definitions. Rooted in the principles of the Cradle to Cradle® design concept, this approach requires that every step of a product’s use cycle, from design to production, to post-user life, is part of a circular pathway.

Technical & Biological Pathways

In our Cradle to Cradle Certified Product Standard, pathways can be technical or biological, with reference to the way a material is processed at the end of its use. We refer to a technical cycle when a product’s materials or parts are reprocessed for a new product use cycle via recycling, repair, refurbishment, remanufacturing or reuse.

Conversely, in the biological cycle, materials or parts are released, and ideally reprocessed via composting, biodegradation, nutrient extraction, or other biological metabolic pathways. 

Sustainability Performance Category

Product Circularity is one of the five categories of the Cradle to Cradle Certified® Product Standard, built on the pillars of Circular Sourcing, Circular Design and Circular Systems. Products are intentionally designed for their next use and are actively cycled in their intended cycling pathways.

Circular Sourcing

  • Cycled or renewable content

  • Responsible sourcing of renewable content

Circular Design

  • Designed with cycling in mind

  • Circular design opportunities

  • Designed for disassembly

Circular Systems

  • Circular education

  • Circularity Data Report & Cycling Instructions

  • Active Cycling

The Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute powers the shift to a circular economy.