Amsterdam Sustainable Apparel and Textiles Conference

We're delighted to be joining Innovation Forum’s Sustainable Apparel and Textiles Conference in Amsterdam on 23 - 24 April. This two-day business conference will address how brands must align and adapt practices to respond to incoming legislation and growing stakeholder expectations. Latest confirmed speakers include senior representatives from our Institute, VF Corporation, Chloé, Diesel and many more.
Institute's Participation Agenda
Panel: Rental, resale, repair: What have we learnt so far from circular business model pilots?
Date & Time: 24 April, 11:40 - 12:15
The market is rife with rental, resale, and repair services as more and more apparel brands experiment with circular pilot programs. Whilst this is certainly a positive step, many questions remain around the scalability and sustainability of these alternative business models. In this session our expert speakers will discuss what they've learnt so far from pilot programs. We’ll also invite a few participants from the audience to join our panel on stage to share their learnings. How can we crack the code of circular business models?
Scalability: What needs to be true before putting investment and efforts on scaling?
Profitability: What about economic sustainability? Can alternative business models prove the profitability that is required to get them beyond pilots?
Sustainability: How can brands determine the true impact of these schemes? Are they reducing sales, replacing sales, or even increasing sales without the guilty conscious?