Flumroc Schweizer Steinwolle/Swiss Stone Wool «Generation FUTURO» - GOLD

Flumroc AG
Cradle to Cradle Certified Gold V4.0
C2C Certified Material Health Certificate™ Gold V4.0
Certification Number6490
Valid until:21 December, 2026
Product description

The Generation FUTURO stone wool insulation products of Flumroc are manufactured with a binder. They are designed to be suitable for both indoor and outdoor insulation.

This certificate covers
Number of final manufacturing sites: 1 (Switzerland); Number of tier 1 suppliers by country: Germany (2); Switzerland (1); France (1); Belgium (1). Number of suppliers of high-risk components and raw materials by country: 0
Water Use at Flumroc's Switzerland facility:
FY 2021 Groundwater Withdrawal: 112.010 M3; Third-party water Withdrawal: 13895 M3; Discharges to third-party: 5500 M3; Discharges to freshwater: 120.405 M3; Consumption: 0 M3; FY 2022 Groundwater Withdrawal: 126.804 M3; Third-party water Withdrawal: 15499 M3; Discharges to third-party: 7000 M3; Discharges to freshwater: 135.302 M3; Consumption: 0 M3. Water withdrawal takes place in a low stress location and the water discharge is without any on-site pretreatment.

Please see the List of Certified Products (available on the Cradle to Cradle Certified Product Registry) for all products covered within this certificate.
Filed under

07 00 00 - Thermal and Moisture Protection07 20 00 - Thermal Protection

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