Troldtekt Wood Wool Acoustic Panels

Troldtekt A/S
Cradle to Cradle Certified Gold v3.1
C2C Certified Material Health Certificate™ Gold v4.0
Certification Number6125
Valid until:31 January, 2025
Product description

Troldtekt Wood Wool Acoustic Panels is a product group of acoustic panels made of wood wool bonded with cement. The panels are available in extreme fine, ultrafine, fine and coarse structures deriving from the thickness of the wood wool and come and in natural/unpainted and painted variants. The panels are produced from either white or grey or FutureCEM cement and in their natural form, the panels are available in two variants: natural wood and natural grey.

This certificate covers
Troldtekt Wood Wool Acoustic Panels: Troldtekt Acoustic Panels, Troldtekt A2 Panel, Troldtekt Agro and Troldtekt Design. Troldtekt panels based on white and grey Portland cement and FUTURECEM – unpainted as Natural Wood and Natural Grey. All Troldtekt varieties are also available painted in standard colors white, light-grey, darkgrey, black and clay.

The following products or variations are excluded from the certification: Panels painted in custom colours.

Please see the List of Certified Products (available on the Cradle to Cradle Certified Product Registry) for all products covered within this certificate.
Filed under

09 00 00 - Finishes09 80 00 - Acoustic Treatment

Company Contact

Vibeke Pedersen
[email protected]
+45 87 47 81 19
Company Website

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