Triple-T Trolley

Alpheios B.V.
Cradle to Cradle Certified Bronze v3.1
Certification Number6321
Valid until:18 March, 2025
Product description

Triple-T is a closed cleaning system developed by Alpheios based on high healthcare cleaning standards and is designed to help professional cleaners work more safely and efficiently. The system includes a modular Triple-T trolley that is completely closed and can be locked, and can accommodate behind its doors everything the professional cleaner needs: from garbage bags to tools, mop system and supplies.

This certificate covers
Products covered in this certification: Triple-T Trolley Large, Triple-T Trolley Medium, Triple-T Trolley Small

Optional components included in the scope of this certification: Toolflex Rail, Toolflex Clip 25-30, Toolflex Clip 20-30, Toolflex Hook, Masalinn Holder, Mop Magazine, Shallow Tray, Deep Tray, Laundry Box, Mixing Box, Doser Tray, 7-Mop Tray, Sack Holder

Excluded components of the certification scope: Laundry Kart, Doser
Company Contact

[email protected]
+31 (0) 45 - 573 88 88
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